
Perform actions in Controls

Now, we are going to open the "Controls" menu and perform actions in it:

find_element(:xpath, "//UIAApplication[1]/UIAWindow[1]/UIATableView[1]/UIATableCell[2]/UIAStaticText[1]").click

appium inspector always record the element using XPath in action, but we can use parameters of element in inspector to refactor for better reference. We will use XPath here just for demo.

And we will see following screen:

Alt text

And we can use appium inspector to help us to find the name and other parameters we need for the "Standard Switch".

Alt text

With the names, we can locate it and turn on it:

find_element(:name, "Standard").click

If we run the script, we will see:

Alt text

We can use Selenium-WebDriver method screenshot to help us keep record of current screen: screenshot '/tmp/ios.png'.

Alt text

There are some gestures we can perform, such as "scroll". Let's practice it with the scenario to scroll down and increase the "UISTEPPER".

We can simply use driver.execute_script 'mobile: scroll' to scroll down. The scrren should look like:

Alt text

And for the increasement, we can use find_element(:name, "Increment").click. The screen should look like:

Alt text

And we can use another way to navigate back: button("Back").click.

At last, we can use driver_quit to close the driver and to end the test.

Now the script should look like:

require 'rubygems'
require 'appium_lib'

APP_PATH = '~/Documents/appium-master/sample-code/examples/ruby/'

desired_caps = {
  caps:       {
    platformName:  'iOS',
    versionNumber: '7.1',
    app:           APP_PATH,
  appium_lib: {
    sauce_username:   nil, # don't run on Sauce
    sauce_access_key: nil
Appium.promote_appium_methods self.class

find_element(:name, "TextFields, Uses of UITextField").click
find_element(:name, "Normal").send_keys "something"
find_element(:name, "Done").click
find_element(:name, "Check").send_keys "something else"
find_element(:xpath, "//UIAApplication[1]/UIAWindow[1]/UIATableView[1]/UIATableCell[2]/UIAStaticText[1]").click
find_element(:name, "Standard").click
screenshot '/tmp/ios.png' # the path here is on your machine
driver.execute_script 'mobile: scroll'
find_element(:name, "Increment").click

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