
Add assertion

In test script, an important stpe is to assert/verify result.

To support assertion, we need to import 'rspec-expectations' on top of our script:

require 'rubygems'
require 'appium_lib'
require 'rspec-expectations'

And in the steps, we can add an assertion to check the message shown on center after discarding message.

content = find_element id: ''
content.text.should == "No conversations."

Now the script should look like:

require 'rubygems'
require 'appium_lib'
require 'rspec-expectations'

caps = { caps: { platformName: 'Android', appActivity: 'ui.ConversationList', appPackage: '' }, appium_lib: { sauce_username: nil, sauce_access_key: nil } }
driver =
Appium.promote_appium_methods self.class
driver.start_driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 20 # seconds

mms = find_element id: ''
to = find 'To'
to.send_keys 'no one'
message = textfield 'Type message'
message.send_keys 'empty'
discard = button 'OK'
content = find_element id: ''
content.text.should == "No conversations."
sleep 10 # to let last step to complete on UI
screenshot '/tmp/android.png' # the path here is on your machine
driver.key_event 3 # 3 is the constant value of KEYCODE_HOME


Alt text

You can refer to the Android script from here.

We will migrate this script to Cucumber feature in next chapter.