
Set parameters to launch app

To create a script to run Android test using Ruby, we need to create a script first. Let's call it "android.rb".

In the file, we need to import the libraries at beginning:

require 'rubygems'
require 'appium_lib'

As we are going to test the system app "Messaging", so we need to define the parameters for appium to launch it.

caps = { caps: { platformName: 'Android', appActivity: 'ui.ConversationList', appPackage: '' }, appium_lib: { sauce_username: nil, sauce_access_key: nil } }

You can see we defined the "appActivity" and "appPackage", so we need to find them first.

We can use "hierarchyviewer" to easily find them:

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uiautomatorviewer can also find the "appPackage", but not "appActivity".

To test your Android app, you can use adb install path_to_your_app.apk to install it first, after the Android device is connected.

Next, we need to initial a driver with the parameters we just set, in the Selenium-WebDriver way.

driver =

And we also need to load the appium own methods, and set timeouts to avoid the driver close too soon:

Appium.promote_appium_methods self.class
driver.start_driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 20 # seconds

After this, the script should looks like following:

require 'rubygems'
require 'appium_lib'

caps = { caps: { platformName: 'Android', appActivity: 'ui.ConversationList', appPackage: '' }, appium_lib: { sauce_username: nil, sauce_access_key: nil } }
driver =
Appium.promote_appium_methods self.class
driver.start_driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 20 # seconds

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Now, we can run ruby android.rb successfully; the script will launch the app.

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