This is the most unique step in appium Cucumber test comparing to other Cucumber test.
We need to add "env.rb" and "appium.txt" under "support" folder.
The content of "env.rb" should contains following:
require 'appium_lib'
require 'rspec/expectations'
desiredcaps = Appium.loadappium_txt file: File.expand_path('./', __FILE), verbose: true
Appium.promote_appium_methods self.class
Before { $driver.start_driver }
After { $driver.driver_quit }
The content of "appium.txt" should contains following:
platformName = "iOS"
versionNumber = "7.1"
app = "~/Documents/appium-master/sample-code/examples/ruby/"
sauce_username = false
sauce_access_key = false