What we do next is to navigate back and discard the changes we made to the message.
Firstly, we just use the appium method driver.back
to navigate back, same as iOS.
And we can also use value to locate the discard "OK" button.
discard = button 'OK'
And we can get this screen in app:
Now the script should look like:
require 'rubygems'
require 'appium_lib'
caps = { caps: { platformName: 'Android', appActivity: 'ui.ConversationList', appPackage: 'com.android.mms' }, appium_lib: { sauce_username: nil, sauce_access_key: nil } }
driver = Appium::Driver.new(caps)
Appium.promote_appium_methods self.class
driver.start_driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 20 # seconds
mms = find_element id: 'com.android.mms:id/action_compose_new'
to = find 'To'
to.send_keys 'no one'
message = textfield 'Type message'
message.send_keys 'empty'
discard = button 'OK'