BDD with PageObject

Extract method find_element into a generic method findElementBy(type,value)

To keep the method find_element simple and easier to use, we can extract it into a generic method findElementBy(type,value).

And we will rewrite the methods in "buy_book.rb" as following:

def searchByKeyword (keyword)
    searchKeyword.send_keys keyword
    element=findElementBy("class", "nav-submit-input")

def openTheFirstItemInSearchResult element=findElementBy("xpath", "//div[@id=\"result_0\"]//span[@class=\"lrg bold\"]") end

def getCurrentItemTitle @bookTitle=findElementBy("id", "productTitle").text end

def addToShoppingCart element=findElementBy("name", "submit.add-to-cart") end

def verifyItemAddedToShoppingCart confirm=findElementBy("id", "confirm-text") confirm.text.include?("1 item added to Cart") end

def verifyItemAddedShownInShoppingCart book=findElementBy("xpath", "//div[@class=\"a-row a-size-base word-break\"]/a") book.attribute("title").should == @bookTitle end

def findElementBy (type, value) if type=="class" element=@driver.find_element :class => value elsif type=="css" element=@driver.find_element :css => value elsif type=="id" element=@driver.find_element :id => value elsif type=="link" element=@driver.find_element :link => value elsif type=="name" element=@driver.find_element :name => value elsif type=="partial_link" element=@driver.find_element :partial_link_text => value elsif type=="tag" element=@driver.find_element :tag_name => value elsif type=="xpath" element=@driver.find_element :xpath => value else p "incorrect selector type" end end

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