BDD with PageObject

Update buy_book.rb

We also need to mofidy "buy_book.rb" again as following:

cd ../step_definitions/

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# encoding: utf-8
Given /^I open "(.*?)"$/ do |site|
    @home.openSite (site)

And /^I login as "(.?)" with "(.?)"$/ do |username,password| @login.loginAs(username,password) end

When /^I search for "(.*?)"$/ do |keyword| @page.searchByKeyword (keyword) end

And /^I open the first book$/ do @searchresult.openTheFirstItemInSearchResult end

And /^I add the first book to Wish List$/ do @itemdetails.getCurrentItemTitle @itemdetails.addToWishList end

And /^I add the first book to shopping cart$/ do @itemdetails.getCurrentItemTitle @itemdetails.addToShoppingCart end

And /^I add the first book to shopping cart from Wish List$/ do @itemdetails.openWishList @wishlist.addToShoppingCartFromWishList end

And /^I open my shopping cart$/ do @wishlist.openShoppingCart end

Then /^I should see the book in my shopping cart$/ do @shoppingcart.verifyItemAddedToShoppingCart @shoppingcart.verifyItemAddedShownInShoppingCart end

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