Whindows Phone Automation - WindowsPhoneTestFramework

Better to install VS2010 first, otherwise required testing framework/dll can’t be found.

WindowsPhone system structure

WindowsPhoneApp developing basics:

  1. Windows Phone 7 开发常见问题汇集贴
  2. Windows Phone 7 手机开发

WindowsPhone Automation test:

  1. Expensify/WindowsPhoneTestFramework
  2. UI Testing on Windows Phone 7
  3. Windows Phone应用开发

Suggestions for development:

  1. WindowsPhone app use MVVM pattern: M is Model, it controls the data and events; V is View, which controls the display; and VM is View-Model, which is the bridge from Model to View.
  2. A better way to design the app is heavily use M and VM, with light V. So that we can test the app easily and quickly, with stub and mock, rather than heavy UI tests.
  3. A tool recommended is MVVM light, check the references from http://mvvmlight.codeplex.com/ and http://www.galasoft.ch/mvvm/.

Problem encountered:

The development of WhindowsPhone app is quite easy (please refer to this, it’s a basic WP7 app), but for automation testing, especially UI testing, it’s the opposite.

When using WindowsPhoneTestFramework, following the steps in video of Ui Testing on Windows Phone, the step of install BDD class library show error of JsonValue 0.5.0 can’t be installed, even try to install JsonValue 0.6.0 still fails.

I am blocked by this. No clue found.